Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


META-TRAM is a PEPS-CNRS project funded for two years (2013-2015). It aims at studying tensor methods for analyzing traffic data. Indeed, for a better management of mobility in modern cities (avoid or better control episodes of congestion, accurately predict traffic trends, finely analyze urban and suburban trips via multimodal networks), it is necessary to develop appropriate analytic tools that integrate multimodality and heterogeneity of networks from inherently multidimensional measures. Three areas are studied: tensor modeling for estimating origin-destination matrices, dynamic clustering flow and synthesis of distributed algorithms adapted to large volume of data, diversity of sensors, and their spatial dispersion. This project involves also I3S Lab (Sophia Antipolis) and CRAN (Nancy).

Projet exploratoire Persyval LOCATE-ME

LOCATE-ME (LOcalization teChniques for pedestriAn navigaTion based on inErtial MEasurements in indoor environments) is a Persyval project funded from April 2014 to August 2015. It aims at proposing a new and fresh look on innovative technologies for localization. It constructs the scientific foundations for development of a prototype of a pedestrian indoor localization system, which has the ability to monitor and track the positions of pedestrians in an indoor environment, where GPS is not available. LOCATE-ME brings some answers on how to advance the current pedestrian navigation solutions for the critical domains, using robust software. The specific contribution of LOCATE-ME is the development of a novel fusion algorithm merging two different methods of localization (INS and SHS) to obtain a concrete improvement on tracking position. This project involves also Tyrex team (LIG, Inria Grenoble). The collaboration has also included a visit to Grenoble of Valérie Renaudin (IFSTTAR, Nantes), in March 2015.